Monday, October 26, 2009

Is this placing undue gender bias on the world?

I know, not the best video, but you have to laugh at the creativity and stereotypes being played on in this video. Yep, it is from Chad Hardy, and I think it is great.


Katie said...

Oh boy. Yes, it was very creative, I'll give it that. Her 'Mormon Muffins' don't look 'homemade' though.

I didn't really like the video, but I'm probably just jealous. My sister gave me a sweater and when she saw me wearing it she said "Heeeeyyy!! How come when I wear that I have tons of cleavage but you don't?"

There's a lady in my ward who wears tops like the girl in the video. I am constantly wanting to ask her how she wears her garments with them! I know she wears garments, because you can see them through the slits of her skirts that go half way up her thigh.

With all the hot country singer videos I've been posting, I can hardly complain about this I guess :-D

I wanted to add something else, but I just can't say it in public. It's always the quiet ones, you know.

Jamie said...

That is funny.
I have to be honest, Mormon women complain about other cleavage, because we are jealous of others cleavage or that they get to expose it. I am jealous of both. When you see a nice rack, like the girls in the video, you know men and women will look and admirer. Every women wants to feel sexy and have men admirer them (married or not we all want attention). If women (not only Mormon) deny it they are lying. SO there it is world us women are exposed. We all want to feel sexy at times, and yes those Garments are limiting the sexy factor in every way. So instead of embracing it and finding a way to be sexy we comment on those who find a way to do it. I am guilty of this as well.

Mandi said...

You always make me laugh, I miss ya! thanks for the cool videos as always. love you

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